Taste Like A Pro With Bill Kniep From Pinnacle Imports
Taste Like A Pro With Bill Kniep from Pinnacle Imports! Fall Themed Wines.
Join us for a fun Fall wine Tasting on October 12th with Bill Kniep, President and Founder of Pinnacle Imports. Bill and his team selected 10 of his favorite wines for the Fall (5 imported wines and 5 domestic wines).
WHEN: Wednesday, October 12th
TIME: 5:30-7:30pm
ADMISSION: $10 / person
WHERE: Open House Style – Casual – Clayton Winehouse, 7911 Clayton Road, MO 63117
Domestic Wines:
21′ Ponzi Pinot Gris
19′ Marietta Armé
18′ Paul Lato SRH
20′ Au Bon Climat PN
18′ Limerick Lane ‘1910 Block’
Imported Wines:
NV Le Mesnil Champagne
20′ Goisot St Bris ‘Moury’
21′ Lafond Tavel Rosé
20′ Ornellaia Le Volte
19′ Bosquet Des Papes, Chante Le Merle – CDP